
Campaign Conditions

Version December 2024
Referral Campaign and Process Certificates

Collective Claim TikTok, Meta (Facebook) and X (Twitter)

  1. You can participate in the TikTok, Meta and/or X claims if you used TikTok, Meta and/or X services through these providers' websites or apps after May 25, 2018.
  2. You can also participate in our Meta and X claim if your data was leaked in the Facebook data leak of April 2021 or Twitter data leak of January 2022 to January 2023. Check with our SOMI app in the App Store or Google Play.
  3. These campaign conditions may be extended to include future additional campaigns, online services and data leaks in which case also new referral codes may be distributed or offered.
  4. You may only participate in the claims initiated at your country or jurisdiction of residence at the time you may qualify for damages compensation.
  5. If you invite someone else registering with us as a participant in a claim action, you will receive SOMI Litigation Certificates 2024, with a total nominal value of EUR 5,- per invited eligible person legally joining any SOMI court campaign.
  6. You can invite your participant(s) with a unique referral code you received to this end by SOMI e-mail. Any referral code may be used by up to 10 people.
  7. Each person may use the referral code 3 times and will in turn also receive EUR 5 in SOMI Litigation Certificates for each claim joined by him/herself.
  8. The maximum compensation you may receive by inviting others to participate in a claim is thus EUR 150,- in SOMI Litigation Certificates in case of three claims. The offer of SOMI Litigation Certificates 2024 (the ‘Litigation Certificates’) is limited and may be substituted by equivalent or subsequent offerings of (financial) instruments.
  9. The maximum compensation one may receive by joining additional claims on behalf of oneself is thus – at present - EUR 10,- in SOMI Litigation Certificates. These values may increase if and when SOMI initiates new or additional legal campaigns.
  10. In case of a favorable result in the TikTok, Meta, or in the X claim, we pay out up to EUR 25,- for every EUR 5,- of nominal value of SOMI Litigation Certificates 2024. If there is no favorable result, we transfer them to the next litigation campaign. If there is still no favorable result after 10 years, these certificates automatically expire without payment.
  11. Your total maximum compensation in case of three successful legal campaigns within 10 years combined, for which 10 persons have been invited by you following these conditions will then amount to a maximum amount of EUR 900,-.
  12. The owner of the referral code can also use the referral code to participate in other ongoing SOMI claims. The maximum number of additional claims you may thus participate in is currently 2 for a total of 3 ongoing legal claims. For qualifying and registering yourself to each additional claim campaign you will receive EUR 5,- nominal value of Litigation Certificates.
  13. You and the enrollees must download our SOMI app and keep it active on the mobile device for the duration of your Litigation Certificates so that we may continue to provide you with information about developments of the claims and the results from our actions.
  14. We also verify that these enrollees have not previously registered with us already, and/or that these enrollees meet all participation requirements of each claim. We cannot communicate the content of this process with you as an enroller.
  15. SOMI reserves the right to withhold the Process Certificates in case the enrollees do not meet the conditions to participate in a claim and/or the conditions of the referral campaign. We will not be able to communicate with you as originator the invitation with the contents and the outcomes of such verification.
  16. When we manage your SOMI Litigation Certificates, we do so through our secure environment ( To log in, enter the email address you used to sign up. You will then receive a secure login link in your inbox. In there, you can also view the information document for the offer of these profit rights that includes all the exact product terms and conditions.
  17. To the offering of Litigation Certificates, terms and conditions apply that supersede these campaign conditions. The offer of Litigation Certificates 2024 by SOMI ends ultimately per March 1st, 2025, after which date they may be succeeded by a new offering of Litigation Certificates.
  18. Litigation Certificates are not offered in any jurisdiction or to any person to which such offer would not be legal. See also the information document about this that can be requested via our site (
  19. This offer and this campaign are subject to SOMI's general terms and conditions and privacy statement, which you can find on our site. ( Please also subscribe to our newsletter so that we can keep you informed of general news and the intermediate results of our actions.
  20. Failure to comply with any of the SOMI terms and conditions as are applicable and current from time to time may result in exclusion from the right to invite participants or revocation of the Litigation Certificates, with or without compensation at the discretion of SOMI.
  21. The minimum purchase of Litigation Certificates as set out in their product conditions does not apply to this offering thereof on the basis of these campaign conditions. You may participate as a minor in these claims in your own name, but in doing so, you must be represented by your parent(s) or legal representative.
  22. Registration fees may apply to joining any legal claim campaign. Such fees may vary over time and by claim or jurisdiction. Prior to registration for any campaign, please consult our website for these fees, which may be charged per claim or per period of registration, as indicated by the participant upon registration.
  23. Do you have any questions? Please let us know in the contact form of our website or mail to our general address You may communicate in your own language or in English.

SOMI (Foundation for Market Information Research) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of European citizens since 2016. Since 2020, we have been committed to privacy protection and data autonomy for all Europeans.

We have started legal actions against Chinese and American companies (TikTok, Meta and X) that do not comply with European legislation to protect our privacy and for many years have been excessively collecting data about us and our children.

Our actions may be tracked on the Central Register of the Dutch Judiciary (

To finance our claims, we also sell Litigation Certificates that yield a societal beneficial and financial yield of 5 to 6 times the capital invested in case of positive results (no cure no pay). Please refer to our website for all terms and conditions.

Join us and support our fight for data protection and data autonomy! Investments can be made from as much as EUR 1,000 through Don’t forget to also participate in our legal claims for the benefit of the damages compensation(s) you are personally entitled to, in addition to the proceeds of your certificates!

Since its launch on Feb. 29, 2024, over a quarter of a million euros (EUR 227,000) of these certificates have already been placed.

With your efforts, you are supporting our fight for a future where we can be less manipulated by our own data, and where companies that do not follow the law are brought to court to pay damages.

With our networking campaign, we save ourselves the cost of online marketing, which would otherwise go to TikTok, Meta or X. We prefer to share the litigation funding fee with our own participants. All proceeds the end of any campaign are fully spent within our non-profit statutory purpose.