
Crowdsourcing Participation Terms and Conditions

Version September 2021.1

The following Terms and Conditions apply to all our Crowdsourcing promotions:

  • Crowdsourcing promotions are organized by Stichting Onderzoek Marktinformatie (SOMI) located in Amstelveen. These Participation Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions of SOMI apply to all these promotions. In case of conflict, the Participation Terms and Conditions take precedence. In the event of a translation thereof, the explanation of the Dutch text always takes precedence.
  • n the announcement of a Crowdsourcing promotion in the news item, the following elements will be mentioned (including messages by e-mail of announcements on (the ‘Site’):
    a. The date of commencement;

    b. The fee for participation (the ‘Participation Fee’);

    c. The conditions for payment of the Participation Fee.
  • Participation in the promotion is free. Participation takes place when you have sent an e-mail with the requested information. From that moment on you have a chance to receive payment of the Participation Fee.
  • Unless explicitly stated otherwise, each participant can participate in a promotion a maximum of one time. Persons affiliated with SOMI or SOMI’s suppliers, cooperation partners or advisers are excluded from participation.
  • Participants are obliged to provide correct, current, complete, and non-manipulated information when participating in the promotion. If requested, they must provide all information about the origin, accuracy or completeness of the information or data supplied to SOMI on the first request.
  • To participate, a participant must be at least 16 years old. Younger participants are not allowed to participate unless represented by their parent(s) or guardian(s).
  • No later than 30 days after participation in the promotion, the entitled party will be personally informed via the e-mail address used to participate in the promotion. SOMI can request the beneficiary for a response, whether anonymously, for its news provision to third parties within the framework of the promotion. Giving or refusing a testimonial will not affect eligibility to any compensation awarded for the Crowdsourcing promotion.
  • The Participation Fee awarded will be paid into the beneficiary’s bank account as soon as SOMI has completed its investigation and has been able to verify all information. SOMI reserves the right to withhold any and all fees or costs where it may be legally obliged to do so.
  • SOMI may, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, change or amend these Terms and Conditions of participation during the duration of any or all promotions, or change or amend the promotion without giving any reason by publishing the new Terms and Conditions on the Site, indicating of the date of entry into force or substitution thereof.
  • The personal data obtained in the context of this promotion will only be used by SOMI for the Crowdsourcing promotion in the context of which they were requested or obtained and will not be provided to any third party(s) unless with the prior explicit consent of the participant. SOMI’s Privacy statement applies to this promotion. Unless with explicit permissions, all participants in this promotion remain anonymous to third parties.
  • In cases not provided for in these Terms and Conditions, a decision will be taken by SOMI.
  • Dutch law applies to these Terms and Conditions.
  • Participants who do not meet the abovementioned Terms and Conditions can be excluded from participation beforehand or afterward, without SOMI being obliged to provide a justification for this.
  • For questions and/or complaints, please contact SOMI via: You will receive a response as soon as possible.